WATCH: Carly Pearce's "London Bridge" Comes Down On Stage
We love seeing our favorite artists on stage but hate seeing them come tumbling down from a flying object, missed step, or a slippery stage.
Thats exactly what happened to Carly... and boy was it bananas!
Of course, she's a great sport, and instead of being embarrassed, she makes it into something everyone can have a good laugh at. What better way to laugh than to loop the video and add "Hollaback Girl" by Gwen Stefani.
Of course, she had a storm of comments following her video, even from Gwen Stefani herself.
Some comments showed their support, and shared similar stage falls...
And others commended her for falling with grace...
She certainly was a "woman down" and that's one hell of a bruise that's left behind... literally.