A Thousand Horses Offers Up An Ode To New Beginnings In "Highway Sound."
Any song that starts with a harmonica solo has us hooked.

Today, PLATINUM-selling group A Thousand Horses offers up a song that begs to be blasted as you cruise down a backroad and invites you to come along. The no frills and all good vibes Highway Sound flawlessly captures finding the beauty in what is around you, even if it is only an open road to new beginnings.

Through clever instrumentation and a witty play on words, the track penned by Michael Hobby, William Satcher, Graham DeLoach, and Zachary Stephen Brown, and produced by Grammy Award-winning producer Jon Randall, “Highway Sound” serves as an anthem in finding the comfort in what a fresh perspective can bring you.
It could be a back road
Two lane Freedom in the fast lane get away
Or a Sunday drive real slow
No worries Nowhere to go Livin’ life on my own time
Sunset to sunrise
How good does that highway sound?
“There’s a lyric in ‘Highway Sound’ that shared in a press release. ‘Brand new start, broke in boots/Old baggage left back home,’” says Hobby. “It’s about the freedom of cutting ties with the negativity of the past and putting your energy into celebrating a new beginning.”
Full of bright sounds and lyrics that offer up a dash of waunderlaust, Highway Sound is the perfect track to set the tone for what is next for the band.